CS 461: Machine Learning
Instructor: Kiri Wagstaff
Assignments are due at on Thursdays at midnight.
They can be submitted one day late (midnight on the day after the due date)
but will incur a 25% reduction in score.
No submissions are accepted after that point.

Submit your work at CSNS.

HomeworkDue DateSolution
Homework 1 January 10 Homework 1 Solution
Homework 2 January 24 Homework 2 Solution
Extra credit (B): NearestNeighbor.java
Homework 3 February 7 Homework 3 Solution
Homework 4 February 21 Homework 4 Solution
Homework 5 March 13

Final Project
More details are available here.

Oral presenters:

Francisco VelazquezClassifying semi-distinct objects
Ruddy SantosClassifying 3D objects (a vehicle) from a 2D image into a Saab, bus, van, opel
Ian RoessleSVM based forest classification using Google Earth
Oscar MendezImage cropper
Manuel SeguraAnalysis of robot execution failures
Praweena PumsawaiThai massage customer analysis
Huy NguyenClassification of NBA players' positions
Edmond KongDetermine major league baseball players' salaries
Evelina LuryePoker hands
Sarang NazariOnline character recognition using decision tree
Richard LimTranslating sign language
Kunhan KimRaster character recognition
Sassja-fe CeballosOptical character recognition
Gufran MohammedApplying machine learning to the auto-complete feature of a web browser's address bar
Kate DehbashiRecommend a good brand of laptop

Non-oral presenters:

Julia YefimenkoText genre identifier
Sudhir MekalaTo find out the census whose salary is greater and lesser than $50k
John MeehanPredicting best picture award
Amit JainClassification of poker hands
Zhou FangThe Carnival of the Animals -- Classify Different Kinds of Animals by Using Weka
Maria ColonMom's Parental Movie Guidance (Movie Ratings Classification based on a Mother's Review)
Rubic ChristianPrediction of particular stock's up and down for near future