List Formatting (It’s for Political Candidates, too!)

I’m having a ball listening to Grammar Girl’s podcast. Much of what she covers is already a part of my internal writer/editor/proofreader, but she has a nice, conversational approach that’s enjoyable regardless. Sometimes the episode I happen to listen to is particularly timely, as happened today with Formatting Vertical Lists. Useful tips I gleaned include

  • Don’t use a colon to introduce a list, unless the introduction is a complete sentence. (I think I’ve been violating this one for a while. But see how I reformed my ways in this post!)
  • Capitalize and punctuate list items if they are complete sentences.
  • Use bullets for unordered items, numbers to indicate sequence (steps), and letters to indicate choices or labels you can refer back to later.
  • Use parallel construction.

So, what was timely about this episode? Yesterday I had the pleasure of reading through candidate statements on my sample ballot. One in particular stood out for its egregious abuse of punctuation, overuse of capitalization, and general incoherence. Here is a verbatim excerpt that highlights multiple violations of Grammar Girl’s list formatting recommendations:

Donald Williamson Has The Experience and ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN to:
Stop Foreclosures! Help Families Save Their Home! (Recast Loan).
Cut State of California’s Dependency on Foreign Oil.
Wording on Reducing Gas Prices.
Balances California’s Budget: Cuts Fat-Waste, Stops Excessive Spending, No New Taxes!
Establish Health Care – Pharmacy Plan For All Californians.
Economic Recovery Plan: Creates Business, Jobs, Reduces Unemployment.

Oh, where to start? In terms of formatting, Donald has forgotten to use any sort of bullet at all for his list. He included the leading colon (I’m willing to forgive this one). He bolded and underlined each initial word, which only makes the lack of parallelism more grating. He would also have us believe that all of California’s families live in a single home. The vacuous content is even more alarming. I’m still utterly puzzled by #3 (“Wording!”). I’m not sure what “Fat-Waste” actually is, but it sounds pretty gross. Thank goodness Donald’s there for us with his blizzard of buzzword “solutions”, up to and including “No New Taxes!”

I read on, eager to learn how he was going to “recast” loans, do something to gas prices, provide a “health care – pharmacy” plan for all Californians, create “business” and jobs—all without introducing new taxes! Sadly, no details were forthcoming. Nor is any additional content available on his website, which features two bonus non-parallel lists, more families living in that single home, use of “that” instead of “who”, “receive” misspelled, etc.

The saddest part? Donald Williamson cites himself as an “Educator.” America’s future is in his hands, even if he loses his bid to represent the 59th District in the State Assembly. Please, Donald, next time devote just a few dollars to a good proofreading of your campaign materials. If nothing else, it sets a good example.

2 of 2 people learned something from this entry.

  1. jim said,

    November 4, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    (Learned something new!)

    I made an earnest effort to go through all my candidates (except the judges — I don’t know how to vote for a judge). According to our brochure, the State Secretary reserves the right to correct obvious grammar and spelling errors. Candidate Williamson’s “art”/lunatic rants might have been lost if he was here.

  2. Susan said,

    November 6, 2008 at 3:38 am

    (Learned something new!)

    This made me laugh until I cried. I hope he lost.

    I tend to debate the colon bit. It’s in common usage, and it seems to clarify things just fine, so I’m not clear on why it would be a bad idea. I tend to use colons to introduce lists specifically when the introductory sentence isn’t complete because the dangling lack of punctuation before the list bothers me.

    But, please, PLEASE pay attention to parallel construction and avoid excessive use of both capital letters and exclamation points! (I think that single exclamation point is justified.)

  3. wkiri said,

    November 6, 2008 at 10:13 am

    He did lose. :)

    Yes, his apostrophe abuse (e.g., “Californian’s”) and excessive exclamation marks were elsewhere in the statement.

    Glad you enjoyed it!

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