MDRS Crew 89 Rotating Header Image

January 26th, 2010:

Sol 3: Over hill, over dale

Kiri and Brian (Darrel invisible) in the airlock, ready to go out!

Kiri and Brian (Darrel invisible) in the airlock, ready to go out!

Today we embarked on some more ambitious EVAs. First we spent a good chunk of time working out how to get the existing database of 500+ GPS waypoints into our GPS units. We had to convert the waypoints from UTM 12 to lat/lon format. Luckily, Brian already had a spreadsheet set up to do this. We then used to convert an Excel spreadsheet of the results into a .gpx file, which Garmin RoadTrip was able to import. Transferring to my Garmin eTrex Vista HCx worked great, but we couldn’t get RoadTrip to recognize any of the older eTrexes, which use an older cable setup. At any rate, Brian, Darrel, and I decided to head towards “Schiaparelli Huge Fossil Field”, since it was described as featuring both interesting fossils and sedimentary structures (cross-bedding).

Darrel repairing Opportunity's left front tire

Darrel repairing Opportunity's left front tire

After Darrel performed some quick repair on Opportunity’s left front tire, we set out on our ATVs and headed north. The road was in good condition, mostly dry with just a few puddles. We quickly settled into a rhythm; I was in the lead and used a mirror strapped to my left forearm to check on Brian and Darrel behind me about once a minute. We roared up Lowell Highway, slowing to crest hills, ford muddy parts, and rumble over small cuts in the road. We stopped a couple of times to check our GPS location and take pictures.
Darrel and Kiri consulting the map on EVA 5

Darrel and Kiri consulting the map on EVA 5

We ended up overshooting our desired turnoff, which was just as well since we realized it would have meant a long trek on foot rather than using the ATVs (these details aren’t always obvious, even with the best of maps!). We turned west onto Brahe “Highway”, which was a sharp change from Lowell; rather than a bulldozed road, Brahe was a single-lane set of tracks that climbed up into the rolling hills, which are called Sheep Knolls. We made it to the Salty Beige Hills before noticing that we must have (again!) passed our desired turnoff onto Schiaparelli Highway, and then attempted 3-point turns to head back without tearing into the land surrounding the track. During this process, Brian’s ATV (Viking-1) died, but after some effort he and Darrel were able to re-start it with the manual pull cord. The views from this area were just stunning, with soaring red cliffs evident to the north and west, including a striking isolated butte.

Gryphaea (Devil's Toenails) oyster fossils

Gryphaea (Devil's Toenails) oyster fossils

We retraced our tracks and found the Schiaparelli turnoff, which was even less visible; it clearly had not been used in quite a while, and snow covered it in patches. But we were game to explore further, and so Darrel led the way. Starting up the far side of the first hill, he nearly lost his balance as the ATV leaped up out of the cleft; but he recovered quickly and Brian and I followed, a bit more slowly. We climbed a few hills this way and, fortuitously, ended up in a fossil field (Oyster Field). We climbed off the ATVs and collected some samples. Then, since we’d been out for an hour and a half, we decided to head back the way we came rather than try to follow Schiaparelli further south.
Kiri on the triumphant return home from EVA 5!

Kiri on the triumphant return home from EVA 5!

Our trip back, naturally, went faster than the trip out—but oh, it was beautiful, with the wind rushing past our helmets, the sun glancing off every shining surface, and the ATVs leaping and bucking beneath us on the road. I got much better at shifting smoothly and enjoyed racing along behind Darrel and Brian, who took turns leading for the trip back.

Panorama from EVA 5, near the Oyster Field

Panorama from EVA 5, near the Oyster Field

Luis, Mike, and Carla setting out on EVA 6

Luis, Mike, and Carla setting out on EVA 6

As soon as we returned, samples in hand, our remaining crew members (Luis, Mike, and Carla) set out for their own spin on the ATVs. This time, they were headed to Clara’s Cliff, far to the west and up on the ridge above us. They set out north, again on a nearly indistinguishable track, towards Olympus Mons.
Carla astride Opportunity on EVA 6

Carla astride Opportunity on EVA 6

The sun had gotten lower, so it lit up the hills to the east in orange and gold. They struck Sagan Street just before Olympus Mons and entered a series of switchbacks up to Sunday Pointe. They slowed to take the turns carefully, and kept to the existing ruts to avoid the sides of the switchbacks, maintaining healthy following distances and stopping periodically to check that everyone was following.
Luis watching Mike restart Spirit on EVA 6

Luis watching Mike restart Viking-1 on EVA 6

As they crested the ridge, they glanced back to the north and down to the hills and ridges and were struck by the contrast between the colored hills and blue, blue sky. They continued on, sloping down a little onto Mid-Ridge Planitia. The Planitia spread out before them in a vast expanse dotted with only occasional small shrubs, like pills on a worn sweater. After some time, they realized that they would not be able to travel all the way to Clara’s Cliff and still return to the Hab before the sun went down, so they halted near intersection with Schiaparelli Highway, where Luis collected a sample of snow and another of soil.
Luis collecting soil samples on EVA 6

Luis collecting soil samples on EVA 6

Here the Spirit ATV gave them some trouble starting, but after some rocking and encouragement, they were able to head back to the Hab.

Dinner was an interesting melange originally intended as a tofu stirfry, but ultimately more of a melange of tofu and reconstituted vegetables, plus a concoction intended to mimic a stirfry sauce (and approximately succeeding!).

Living on Mars

Possibly the biggest challenge to living within a cylindrical habitat with five other people is adjusting to the fact that outside is considered hostile. There are no leisurely walks, no strolls through the park, and no lying in grass watching clouds drift by. To speak of it, there’s no grass to speak of! Aside from EVAs, which are more work-oriented than anything else, and engineering rounds (same thing), there isn’t any opportunity to get out of the Hab for any extended period of time.

So, we’ve gotten used to these surroundings in the few days that we’ve been here, especially the upper deck of the Hab. This is where most of the work gets done: filing reports at the end of each day, planning EVAs, cooking, eating, relaxing, and bonding as a team. The space is very multi-purpose, with the main central table serving as both a kitchen table and a workstation (or game table), the kitchen sitting right next to the main workbench, and it allows access to every other part of the Hab.

Our day, however, begins in the state rooms, each of which is composed of nothing more than a bunk and a small desk (and a few have installed shelving). For most of us, these state rooms are just for sleeping and storing anything we can’t leave out in the main room, although Brian and Carla do complete quite a bit of work in their larger rooms as benefit to being our Commander and XO, respectively. While my state room, pictured to the right, is quite messy, it’s more to allow access to anything I may need immediately, hence the spread of supplies on my desk.

After waking up and getting dressed, breakfast and a morning meeting are held around the central table. Breakfast usually consists of oatmeal or cereal, along with whatever dried fruits or nuts we decide to include. Today I had Honey Nut Cheerios with powdered milk, plus some raisins on the side, for those of you that were wondering…

Since we are in sim, the only time we can leave the Hab (aside from engineering rounds, which I’ll get too later) is while on EVA, or Extra-Vehicular Activity; those trips start in the EVA Prep Room, pictured to the right. Here is where we store everything that is needed for an EVA, at least everything that can be carried that isn’t specifically engineering related. During the suit-up procedure, the Marsonauts first put on their flight suits (hanging in the background). When we first arrived at MDRS, we tried on the suits until we found one that would fit, then Velcro-ed our mission patch and name tags onto our selected flight suits. They then don their boots and waders, along with their radios and headsets. At this point, their is usually also a com check between the Marsonauts and HabCom (the person who stays behind to communicate with those on the surface) before the suit-up procedure progresses. Once everything checks out, they then strap into their PLSS (Portable Life Support System), usually with the help of someone in the ready room. This backpack allows the EVA personnel to survive outside of the Hab as it filters and transfers breathable air to the helmet, which is put on next. A final check is made before the Marsonauts enter the airlock, where they must wait for five minutes for depressurization, before leaving the Hab and stepping out onto the surface. Once they return, this process is repeated in reverse, usually followed by a hot meal for the returning explorers.

During the day, a lot of the work is completed in the lower deck, which includes the EVA Prep Room, main airlock, Biology and Geology labs, engineering bay and airlock, as well as the bathroom and shower. Since our completed EVAs (four in total) haven’t been centered on either Biology and Geology, the main lab area (pictured) has mostly just been inventoried and cleaned by Luís, our Biologist. There is an EVA out currently that focuses on geology and geophysics, plus there is a planned EVA later today centered on biology, so this area will mostly likely being in use more for the rest of the mission. Darrel, our Engineer, is also using the area as an interior engineering bay and repair station for basically the entire Hab.

Speaking of engineering, the Hab also requires a power supply separate from the Hab and its vicinity. In a future Martian habitat, this power station will be much more than a diesel engine, so it needs to be separated from the Hab for the safety of the astronauts. During engineering rounds, Darrel and usually one other member of the crew (recently it has been either Kiri or Carla) check the power supply, batteries, ATVs, general Hab upkeep, Green Hab (which is both a greenhouse and a water recycling facility), and the various systems that are required in order to keep everything running smoothly. During a typical day, rounds are made in the morning (following the meeting) and at night before our mission support window opens at 2000 Local Time. This gives the engineer enough time to make the measurements and other checks, fix anything that needs fixing, and file a report so that (for any major problems), Mission Support can help troubleshoot things.

Once everyone is inside, the ATVs are shut down, the final rounds are made, and reports are filed, the rest of the day/night is for us. Usually that consists of preliminary planning sessions for the next day, eating the rest of the prepared dinner, and completing anything that couldn’t be completed during the day. Combusting cakes usually aren’t on the agenda, or if they were I wouldn’t know about them prior to, right?

All in all, just another day on Mars.

Sol 2: Patisserie Pyrotechnics

Mike working on the radio telescope power combiner

Mike working on the radio telescope power combiner

We were fortunate with the weather once again today: dazzling sun bouncing off the red hills and white snow. We stayed closer to the Hab, with both of our EVAs devoted to the final steps needed to get the radio telescope operational. During the first expedition outside, Mike and Brian dug up the mounting post for the power combiner and moved it underneath the north antenna. Our second EVA was notable in that we had four crew members participating: Mike, Darrel, Kiri, and Luis. Working in pairs, we raised the two poles associated with the north antenna from 10 feet to 19.5 feet high. Or rather, we were instructed to raise it to 20 feet, but the nested tube only went up to 19.5 before popping out.
Shadows of Mike and Brian on EVA5

Shadows of Mike and Brian on EVA3

I caught mine before it came out, but Darrel’s did escape, and he was stuck trying to hold two 10-foot PVC tubes in vertical alignment while balancing at the top of a ladder in a spacesuit and helmet. I was grateful to Luis, who was a rock-solid support in steadying the ladder beneath me. I bolted my tubes together and moved my ladder over under Darrel so that he could straddle the two and he quickly re-set his tubes. We finished up, took some pictures, and headed back to the Hab.

“HabCom,” Mike radioed, “We’re ready to enter the airlock.”

There was no response.

Darrel and Mike raise the north radio telescope antenna

Darrel and Mike raise the north radio telescope antenna

Mike tried again. The rest of us tried. We waved our arms at the tiny portholes on the second floor. But there was no response from Carla and Brian, who were (we hoped) still in the Hab. Now, we weren’t actually locked out. And we couldn’t actually run out of air. But this was only EVA #4, and in every previous case, there was immediate response from HabCom to any radio hail, and we always had someone in the EVA prep room to receive us. After five minutes or so, we decided to go in anyway. The sun was setting and the cold was setting in. Mike announced, “HabCom, we are entering the airlock,” and then we heard Brian’s most welcome voice: “EVA crew, copy that.”
The intrepid EVA4 crew (Kiri, Mike, Luis, and Darrel) after raising the north antenna

The intrepid EVA4 crew (Kiri, Mike, Luis, and Darrel) after raising the north antenna

It turned out that the radio had been set with the volume too low for Carla and Brian to hear us, and they hadn’t expected us back so soon. We were soon in, de-suited, and de-briefed.

On our return, Luis tackled the least appetizing task of the day: cleaning the toilet and shower enclosure. Yes, the shower! Although it has been inoperable for weeks, Darrel used his ingenuity to find the burst section of pipe and correct the problem. We’re looking forward to our very first showers this evening, which will go to Luis and Darrel! We’re all thrilled.

But the biggest thrill of the day came right after dinner. Our Crew Astronomer, Mike, turns 21 today. He had a very eventful day, including leading both our EVAs today as EVA Commander, getting the radio telescope closer to completion, and (as a surprise) a chocolate birthday cake made entirely from scratch! (Not trivial when you have no milk nor eggs!) Carla sprinkled it with powdered sugar, and we lit 21 candles on top while Mike was downstairs. When he came back up, we turned off the lights, sang “Happy Birthday”, and then Mike leaned over to blow them out. And a blowtorch erupted from the cake. I’ve never seen anything like it! Apparently his breath lofted most of the powdered sugar high enough to combust in the candle flame and what had been 21 shimmering lights turned into a cloud of flame. Phenomenal! And… don’t try this at home! But no worries: no one was singed. We laughed uproariously, turned the lights back on, wiped powdered sugar off the table, and Mike opened a card and chocolates (from Russia, via Carla!).

Mike blows out his birthday candles

Mike blows out his birthday candles

Happy Birthday, Mike! Thanks for spending your 21st with us!