Brian put together a Google Earth map of the EVA, including elevation and heartrate data:
While Brian, Carla, and Luis were out on EVA #1, Darrel fixed a leak in the downstairs sink plumbing. He is extremely handy with every sort of tool and has been busy on multiple fronts, fixing anything that comes up.
Next, Darrel, Mike, and I suited up for EVA #2. This time getting into the suits went much quicker, although we still had to fiddle with the bungee cords. I stuck a rock hammer in my belt and borrowed Brian’s GPS-tagging camera to chronicle our expedition. We headed off north to Olympus Mons, trekking through soft, squishy red dirt and slipping in the muddy spots. No falls, though! We crossed a variety of alluvial areas, including drainage plains littered with angular rocks. It was an eerie sort of hike, entirely silent except for the rush of the air being pumped into the helmet, my own breathing, and the occasional squawk of the radios we carried. We paused partway to climb up onto an outcrop of stronger, pale yellow conglomerate, where Darrel used the rock hammer to split open a rock and collect a sample. The rich red mud rolled up and down, and we toiled along with it, hopping over several small channels. The colors, especially since we were near sunset, were just indescribable—beauty in all directions. At the foot of Olympus Mons, we took pictures next to a huge boulder. HabCom then notified us that we’d been out for 30 minutes and should head back home. It was starting to get really hard to see, as my helmet was fogging up, but I found that if I turned my head to the side and looked slantwise where I was going, I could see around the foggy area. Darrel suggested a “short cut” (no mushrooms, sadly) and we hiked up a steep hill on the snowy north face. The snowy regions turned out to be much easier to walk on, because not only did the crusty snow give our boots purchase, but the ground underneath was frozen rather than being soft slippery mud as on the south faces. We crested the hill and found we weren’t quite where we expected… so dropped back down to the plain and, a few minutes later, spied the white cylinder of our home away from home.And here’s a map of EVA 2:
On our return, Brian helped us get out of our suits, and then we were delighted to climb upstairs and be met with some absolutely delicious smells from the kitchen! But before eating, engineering rounds had to be done; so we pumped water from the external tank into our internal tank, checked the GreenHab, and refueled and covered the ATVs. How delighted we were to sit down to spicy arrabiata pasta with sausage, cheddar-garlic biscuits, and punch to drink. And really, I mean absolutely delicious! And a wonderful way to celebrate a fantastic, action-filled day at MDRS. I couldn’t ask for more awesome, fun, reliable, skilled, and just generally impressive crewmates!
These photos are fantastic!
Great documentarianship! 😉 I’ll enjoy playing along from home. I also like the Google Earth mapped summaries. You should include the geo-tag locations for the photos. You could probably even link the photos in and put up a KMZ package for download.
I’m going to read your diary every day until I leave for Australia. Thanks for letting us share your experience and all the cool photos. Just love the helmets, guys 🙂 That alone must have felt like you’re on Mars.
All the best from Hamburg, Germany.